“So, you’re saying you want to leave a bullet in you? S’fine by me. Was trying to be nice, but that hasn’t gotten me far.”
Мне тут Дингс, с которым я ролю, нарисовал иллюстрацию к Скажи мне и перевёл кусочек на английский язык.
Приятно, чёрт побери.

- You laughed off last time. I don’t remember the details of joke, but it was funny. You was laughing. Now you’re not.

Acting like a sсript says isn’t in my plans anymore. I can see the tall black figure behind my own reflection in the window pane. It feels like I know this dark silhouette. He don’t usually speak. He always just watches and does some weird stuff. And he is leafing through a book right now.

His skull is full of scratches and cracks but his mouth is parted into a wide smile.

- Sorry, I’m in a bad mood. Toriel is waiting for us. You should go without me now. I’ll come later.

And you’re leaving after that.

You’re delaying near the door for a second and looking back at me with a little fright in your eyes. But then you just go away because I’m acting in another way and you’re not used to it.

Is it so, Chara? Or Frisk? What is your true name?

My father and I were left alone in the room. He is still engrossed by reading a stupid kids book, walking around the room, and looking around without any sort of interest. When the first flash of lightning started outside the window I wrote in my notebook:


@темы: Повседневное, Фанфики

19.09.2016 в 04:15

Безумства нужно совершать - но крайне осторожно || Механический будильник, отстающий на пятьсот веков
/в голове немедленно заиграло "Черным-белым"/
Dings did a great job. both of them x)